So, I am a Finnish exchange student studying abroad (so if there are any grammar errors, I apologize). My major is theater and performing arts.
Well, again I am taking a huge piece of the cake, that may be too much to handle, but I'll try.
So, it seems that I am writing a blog about the play I am in, while studying abroad. This is part of my schoolwork.
So, we are doing Footloose, in here, Lock Haven University and suddenly I am in it.
First there was the auditions, and good heavens, I was so scared, because I absolutely hate to sing out in public and I consider myself more as a director now-days, than a actor. Well, when I saw the audition calls, I thought to myself that
"hey, if I want to be a good, NO, a great director, I don't want to ask my actors to do something that they would not want to do, and if I can't sing in public, I can't ask anyone else to do it either, so, I just have to do it."
Okay, then I went there and yea, I sang, but I sang in Finnish. But I really get out of my comfort zone and actually now, when I think about it, I feel like I can do anything, because I could do that. And phew, that was just fun day! I met all these cool kids (and every time I say that, the song "be like the cool kids" starts to sing in my head) and had I blast.
Well, I didn't expect to get a call-back, BUT I DID! I my lord. I was soooo, happy and overwhelmed about that.
The second call-back was just fun. I didn't realize I really have to sing the song of the play, and I did not have the time to practice it so... I improvised.
I just make the song out of my head and tried to keep up (weird English pronunciation). Apparently that worked, because I got in. :)
I am playing the part of the principal of the school and that is going to be interesting. I am really excited, because even though it is not a big part I am going to make it work and the thing that in theater matters is that you are present, and just... Kick it.
Like usually in life, you just make the best of the time you have and just.. Kick that.
Here in the theater environment, I feel like home. And the funny thing is that no matter what country you are in, the theater gang is always really tight, like a family.
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